This refers to the editorial, “Quota quagmire” The basic reason for reservation is poverty and this phenomenon exists in every human race, irrespective of caste, creed or religion. The policy of earmarking certain percentage of governmental benefits, like jobs in public establishments, admission to premier educational institutes compromising the qualifying standards et al, is obviously irrational and also against the principles of Indian democracy.
Providing equal facilities and opportunities, irrespective of caste, creed, religion et al, on merit alone must be the sole criteria in deciding the winners. In the global arena, we are obliged to contest with world’s giants and not with mediocre or feigned opponents. Hence, the ideology of demeriting meritorious candidates for caste-related reasons is quirky and degenerative to the nation; besides it contradicts the primary ethics of a bonafide democracy. Unambiguously, we cannot expect superb performances from mediocre personnel who secured admission in premier educational establishments and positions solely connected to caste or religion. Political outfits, however, still support the existing system of reservation overtly for their achievements rather than the genuine development of the country. Our unbiased intelligentsia and political stalwarts should introspect and revamp the quota system at the earliest.
Source: Daily Pioneer
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