The need to focus on quality management education

Management education in India is not very old; it has taken its practical shape during early sixties with the establishment of the Indian Institute of Management to train people with management concepts. Now, universities have also come forward to provide management education to cater the increasing demand of good managers.

The demand for management teachers: Quality Management Education B-Schools should emphasize on training quality management teachers. They should redesign management curricula with the changing dynamics of the global business environment. Quality management education is basically a service.

Educational System Level: a) Contemporary Curriculum: The curriculum should be designed in such a manner that the students get the appropriate knowledge in quality management which is the need of the hour.

b) Code of Conduct: Quality can be ensured only if there is effective implementation of HR policies and code of conduct for individuals in educational institutions and students.

Institution System Level: a) Coordination is the central problem in an organization. It is the essence of quality management.

b) In addition to the regular curriculum there has to be introduction of new programmes which can provide value addition.

c) In today’s competitive world sustainability is possible only through creativity and innovativeness.

d) Imparting quality education equally depends on the faculties. Performance appraisal of the faculties should be conducted on regular basis.

Individual Faculty Level

In this changed scenario, the psyche of the students have changed tremendously. The role of a counselor has exceeded the role of a teacher. To be a successful teacher one must be good counselor as well.

Teaching is always a two-way process. Faculties with good interpersonal skills can successfully make learning an interactive, lively and joyful process.

Source: The New Indian Express

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